Our Story

Smart Affordable Legal Help for Businesses in British Columbia


A New Legal Business Model.


For over thirty years at two of Canada’s pre-eminent firms, Scott Dunlop advised owners and executives of businesses how to efficiently resolve corporate issues and disputes. However, traditional law firms were struggling to keep pace with the new dynamics of available distributed information and the increasing speed of business execution. Emerging enterprises applied smart leveraged approaches to manage their operations, yet lawyers continued to demand large retainers at high billable rates to access their firm’s “expertise”, “experience” or “name” with its consequent expensive overhead.  A better process is to retain the right lawyer at the right price to provide a primary service of determining the right strategic steps to resolve the issue, with litigation as a last resort.

Scott addresses this mismatch between need and service costs, by providing responsive independent general counsel to:

  • quickly assess the scope of the issue or dispute;

  • determine the best steps to manage or resolve them;

  • if necessary, refer to the right lawyer with the right experience;

  • all at affordable fee rates.

Our Process

Arrange for an immediate appointment to provide a speedy assessment and determination of a strategic course of smart action to help you resolve your legal issues: scott@adrianlaw.ca.